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G528B Dual Antenna Hidden Camera Detector

(Cód. Item 32376620) | Available in stock.
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528B Upgraded Professional Hidden Camera Detector Scanner with High Sensitivity and Wide Detection Range

The G528B Upgraded Professional Hidden Camera Detector Scanner is a powerful tool for detecting hidden cameras and other electronic devices. It has a wide detection range of 1MHz to 8GHz, making it capable of detecting a variety of devices, including wireless and wired cameras, GPS trackers, and listening devices. The G528B also has a high sensitivity, making it easy to detect even the smallest of devices.

In addition to its detection capabilities, the G528B is also portable and easy to use. It is small enough to fit in your pocket or purse, and it has a built-in battery that provides up to 8 hours of continuous use.

If you are looking for a reliable and effective way to detect hidden cameras and other electronic devices, the G528B Upgraded Professional Hidden Camera Detector Scanner is the perfect choice for you.

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