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Clip-on Tag Along Solar Charger For Your Smartphone

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Tag-Along Solar Charger

Product Description

The Tag-Along Solar Charger is the perfect way to keep your phone and other gadgets charged on the go. This lightweight and portable charger uses solar energy to store power, so you can charge your devices even when you're not near an outlet.

The Tag-Along Solar Charger has a built-in Li-Polymer battery, similar to the batteries found in mobile phones. This battery continually stores sunlight when exposed to sunlight, so you can always rely on having a power source on hand.

The Tag-Along Solar Charger is also equipped with a smart IC that automatically shuts off power when your device is fully charged. This prevents overcharging and damage to your device.

The Tag-Along Solar Charger can charge a smartphone like an iPhone in 4 hours, and similar devices in 4 to 5 hours. It can also be charged indoors via USB port and store the power for later use.

Here are some of the benefits of using the Tag-Along Solar Charger:

  • It is lightweight and portable, making it easy to take with you on the go.
  • It uses solar energy to store power, so you can charge your devices even when you're not near an outlet.
  • It has a built-in Li-Polymer battery, similar to the batteries found in mobile phones, so you can always rely on having a power source on hand.
  • It is equipped with a smart IC that automatically shuts off power when your device is fully charged.
  • It can charge a smartphone like an iPhone in 4 hours, and similar devices in 4 to 5 hours.
  • It can also be charged indoors via USB port and store the power for later use.

Call to Action

Order your Tag-Along Solar Charger today and never worry about running out of power again!


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